Fu Mingwei
Published:2018-08-27 Visits:


Fu Mingwei

Research Fellow of China Institute of Innovation and Development




Fu Mingwei is an Associate Researcher in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Visiting Scholar of  University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D in Peking University, and has been researching in the fields of Innovation, Health Care and Rural Governance. He has published papers on SSCI journals such as Economic Research Journal, The Journal of World Economy and Journal of Financial Research. He has hosted project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, and has attended several research projects assigned by the General Office of the State Council, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security and Health and Family Planning Commission. During his survey, he has set foot in more than 20 cities, such as Beijing, Suqian, Sanming, Luoyang and etc.




On Innovation

1. Fu, M., Ye, J., Lei, Z., & Meng, Y. (2015). The Impacts of Domestic Content Protection on Indigenous Innovation. Economic Research Journal, 2015(2), pp.118-131. (《国产化率保护对自主创新的影响­­——来自我国风电制造业的证据》)


2. Fu, M., Pan, X., & Yi, Z. (2012). Risk Concept Innovation: the Engine of Economic Growth in Western China. Journal of Jishou University (Social Science Edition), 33(3), pp.79-83. (《技术外溢与企业创新­­——来自企业微观调查数据的证据》)


3. Ye, J., Fu, M., & Cao, H. (2012). Research Review on Domestic Content Protection.Journal of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, 2012(4), pp.34-39. (《国产化率保护研究文献述评》)



On Medicine and Health

1. Fu, M., Zhu, H., & Xia, Y. (2016). The National Health Service Reform and Its Implications for China. International Economic Review, 2016(1), pp.70-89. (《英国国家卫生保健体系改革及其对中国的启示》)


2. Feng, G., Zhu, H., & Fu, M. (2014). An Empirical Study on the Effect of Beijing's Separation of Clinic from Pharmacy Reform. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration, 2014(12), pp.881-885. (《北京医药分开改革效果的实证分析》)


On Rural Governance

1. Fu, M., & Ye, J. (2017). Collective Resource, Lineage Fragementation and a Lack of Supervision on Village Cadres. China Rural Survey, 2017(3), pp.2-15. (《集体资源、宗族分化与村干部监督制度缺失》)


2. Fu, M., & Ye, J. (2016). The Impact of Election Quality and Rural Cadre’s Supervision Institution on Villager Self-governance Performance. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, 2016(2), pp.101-112. (《选举质量和村干部监督制度对村民自治效果的影响》)


3. Fu, M., & Li, H. (2012). On the Economic Development and Villager’s Voting Participation. Journal of Xiangtan University(Philosophy and Social Sciences), 36(4), pp.74-81. (《经济发展与村民投票参与——来自民政部全国抽样调查的证据》)


4. Ye, J., & Fu, M. (2012). The Effect of Village Party Secretary 's Part - time Job in Villager's Committees on Villager Autonomy. Study & Exploration, 2012(6), pp.49-52. (《村支书在村委会兼职对村民自治效果的影响——基于民政部全国村民自治抽样调查的分析》)



1. Zhang, Y., & Fu, M. (2011). The Impact of Marketization Reform on Residents' Income Disparity : Based on the analysis of social class. The Journal of World Economy, 2011(3), pp.127-144. (《市场化改革对居民收入差距的影响:基于社会阶层视角的分析》)


2. Zuo, B., & Fu, M. (2009). Construction and Empirical Test of China 's Monetary Service Index.  Journal of Financial Research, 2009(11), pp.74-90. (《中国货币服务指数的构建和经验检验》)


3. Fu, M., & Zuo, B. (2008). The Comparison of Different Monetary Aggregates and Its Enlightenment to China. Shanghai Finance, 2008(3), pp.42-46. (《不同货币总量的比较及其对中国的启示》)

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