Research Centers

【Call for Papers】International Conference on Sustainable Development and Genuine Progress
The International Conference on Sustainable Development and Genuine Progress , M...
- 【2017-06-09】Professor Tu released the "China Volunteer Service Economi...
- 【2018-04-05】Zhou attended the Chinese Economists Society 2018 North Am...
- 【2017-11-03】Zhou attended the “2017 Joint Survey Data Delivery Ceremon...
- 【2017-12-22】Associate Professor Lin Weibin attended the 2017 (First) C...
- 【2017-12-11】Associate Professor Zhou Yexin and his party participated ...
- 【2017-10-28】The “Summary and Commendation Conference of 2017 China Gen...
- 【2017-09-05】Dean Guan Chenghua attended the Second Overseas Chinese Ne...
- 【2017-08-16】Associate Professor Zhou Yexin was granted funding from th...
- 【2017-07-20】The Opening Ceremony of “2017 China Genuine Progress Indic...
- 【2017-04-28】The professional seminar on the investigation of the value...
- 【2017-03-28】Dean Guan Chenghua and his party arrived at Xinhua News Ag...
- 【2017-03-17】Associate Professor Zhou Yexin attended the University Coo...
- 【2017-02-18】Professor Tu Qin and other teachers and students attended ...
What's OnMore
Qi & Lin: China's 10 Achievements in Electric Power Development During the 40 Years of Reform and Op...
Over the past 40 years, the power industry has achieved remarkable achievements.
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Qi & Lin: China's 10 Achievements in Electric Powe...
Guan Chenghua:Innovation Governance from the Persp...
No. 21 Brownbag: Local Government Actions and Poverty Reduction
Speaker: Chen Jidong; January 11th, 2019; Lecturer of the Business School, BNU
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No. 21 Brownbag: Local Government Actions and Pove...
No. 20 Brownbag: Parental Absence in Childhood and...
2017 China Genuine Progress Indicator Survey
CGPiS is the first national wide survey project that is based on main elements of China Genuine Progress Indicator, including research on income, consumption, time utilization, environmental pollution, values an etc. It aims to construct a GPI system with Chinese characteristics.

China Institute of Innovation and Development, BNU
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