Lin Weibin
Published:2018-08-27 Visits:


Lin Weibin

Professor, Vice Dean




Ph.D in Economics from Peking University,Professor at School of Economics and Resource Management. Research interests cover Energy Economy, Industrial Economy. Lin published more than 40 SSCI、CSSCI paper, and monographs, like Study and Comparison of Energy Policies and Analysis on the Operation of Energy System. Lin has host more than 20 research projects and many of them are accepted by provincial or national governments. As research team leader, his has delivered several reports, such as China Energy Development Report, China Energy in 2030, Energy Data Manual 2016, and Energy Development Report: Review of 12th Five-year Plan and 13th Five-year Plan. 




1. Study and Comparison of Energy Policies, The Commercial Press, 2013 (《能源管理体制比较与研究》)


2. Analysis on the Operation of Energy System, Economic Management Press, 2015 (《能源系统运行分析》)


3. Collection of China Development Strategies:Five China Energy Strategies in Global Change, People's Publishing House, 2013 (《五指合拳——应对世界新变化的中国能源战略》)




1. Lin, W., Yang, J., & Chen, B. (2011). Temporal and spatial analysis of integrated energy and environment efficiency in China based on a green GDP index. Energies, 4(9), pp.1376-1390.


2. Lin, W., Zhou, Y., & Su, J. (2016). Will Urbanization increases the demand of life basis energy. Journal of Finance and Economics, 2016(3), pp.41-50. 


3. Lin, W., Shi, F., & Xie, L. (2011). Intensity Effect, Structure Effect and the Mystery of Electricity Consumption in China: Decomposition Analysis Based on 43 Specific Industries. Statistical Research, 2011(11), pp.77-82. (《强度效应、结构效应与中国电力消费之谜》)


4. Lin, W., & Su, J. (2010). Economic Rationale and International Experience of Salary Regulation on SOEs. Academic Monthly, 2010(11), pp.85-91. (《论国有企业薪酬管制的经济机理——基于代理成本视角的分析》)


5. Lin, W. (2005). China Power System Reform and Competition Policy. Reform, 2005(12), pp.21-27. (《中国电力体制改革路径与竞争策略》)



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