The transformation of economic development: speed up or slow down---A Measurement and analysis based on the energy environment perspective
Published:2016-02-07 Visits:

From the perspective of energy environment, changing the economic development mode requires building a resource-saving and environment-friendly production mode to achieve the "green" development of the economy. This paper uses DEA to propose a method to quantitatively measure the transformation effect of economic development mode, and select the panel data of 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) from 2006 to 2012 to measure the overall effect and regional difference of the green transformation of China's economic development mode. The study found that since the implementation of the national energy conservation and emission reduction strategy in 2006, the degree of the greening of China's economic development has moved forward. The annual average progress rate during the 11th Five-Year Plan period was 6.4%, and the average annual growth rate during the first two years of the 12th Five-Year Plan was 6.2%. In terms of regions, the green transformation of economic development modes in Beijing and Shanghai is more effective, but it is still necessary to further explore the path of sustainable green development; the green transformation of economic development mode in the western regions such as Xinjiang and Qinghai is slow, even a certain degree of retrogression occurs in individual years. The research in this paper can provide a reference for the government to evaluate the implementation of green development strategies and policies. 



Major projects of the National Social Science Fund of China "Research on China's Economic Growth Theory and Practice since Reform and Opening up" (15ZNA007)


Key words:

economic development mode; green transformation; green frontier; green index;



Lin, W., Su, J., & Zhou, Y. (2016). The transformation of economic development: speed up or slow down---A Measurement and analysis based on the energy environment perspective. Economist, 2016(2), pp.33-41. (《经济发展方式转变:加快还是减缓——基于能源环境视角的测度与分析》)





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