Study on status of criteria for formulating specification and grade of Chinese medicinal materials based on filed survey in medicine market
Published:2016-03-21 Visits:



The commodity specification and grade is an important factor affecting the price of Chinese medicinal materials. Specification and grade standard play an important role in transferring quality information in Chinese medicinal market,which is characterized by highly information asymmetry. This paper analyses and expounds six classification methods of commodity specification and grade of Chinese medicinal materials based on the market investigation carried out in the medicine markets in Anguo,Bozhou,Yulin,Chengdu and so on. This study proposes that to formulate the commodity specification and grade standard of Chinese medicinal materials,their efficacy,inspection,purity and beauty should be taken into account orderly.



Central level major increase and decrease project (2060302);


Key words:

Chinese medicine commodity;  specifications and grades;  quality;  resource economy 



Yang, G., Wang, N., Zhan, Z., Wang, H., & Jin, Y. (2016). Study on status of criteria for formulating specification and grade of Chinese medicinal materials based on filed survey in medicine market. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, 41(5), pp.761-763. (《中药材市场商品规格等级划分依据现状调查》)



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