【预告】学术午餐会第8期:Projecting the Impact of a Nationwide School Plain Water Access Intervention on Childhood Obesity
发布时间:2017-06-21 浏览量:

【预告】629日学术午餐会第八期Projecting the Impact of a Nationwide School Plain Water Access Intervention on Childhood Obesity


题目:Projecting the Impact of a Nationwide School Plain Water Access Intervention on Childhood Obesity: A Cost-benefit Analysis
主讲人:安若鹏  伊利诺伊大学香槟分校营养科学部助理教授、博导
主持人:周晔馨  经济与资源管理研究院副教授
   安若鹏, 2002年获北京大学政府管理学院法学学士,2006年获日本政策研究大学院大学公共政策硕士,20082013年就读于美国兰德公司研究生院,获政策分析博士学位。2013年至今任伊利诺伊大学香槟分校运动学与社区卫生系、营养科学部助理教授、博导。研究领域涉及公共健康及政策干预。近年来主持或参与美国农业部、美国国立卫生研究院等14项重点立项课题研究。迄今在国际学术刊物上发表论文90篇、国际学术会议摘要43篇。
  This study projected the societal cost and benefit of an expansion of a water access intervention that promotes lunchtime plain water consumption by placing water dispensers in New York school cafeterias to all schools nationwide. A decision model was constructed to simulate two events under Markov chain processesplacing water dispensers at lunch times in school cafeterias nationwide versus no action. The incremental cost pertained to water dispenser purchase and maintenance, whereas the incremental benefit was resulted from cases of childhood overweight/obesity prevented and corresponding lifetime direct (medical) and indirect costs saved. Based on the decision model, the estimated incremental cost of the school-based water access intervention is $18 per student, and the corresponding incremental benefit is $192, resulting in a net benefit of $174 per student. Nationwide adoption of the intervention would prevent 0.57 million cases of childhood overweight, resulting in a lifetime cost saving totaling $13.1 billion. The New York school-based water access intervention, if adopted nationwide, may have a considerably favorable benefit-cost portfolio.


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