Tu Qin
Published:2018-08-27 Visits:


Tu Qin

Professor, Director of Academic Board




TU Qin is a professor, PhD supervisor and the Director of Academic Board of School of Economics and Resource Management, Beijing Normal University. He received his Ph.D in Economics from Tilburg University in Holland. He has worked in Centre for Development Innovation in Wageningen University for years. He is also a former Assistant Researcher, Associate Researcher and Researcher in Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and has been appointed as Director in the Statistics Research Laboratory and Director of Economic Development Research Lab. He has long been researching in the fields of Development Economics, Applied Econometrics and Behavioral Economics, and has published numbers of papers on SSCI and CSSCI journals. He has also hosted and attended several international cooperation in scientific research projects. 





1. “Trust and Economic Development” in Frontier Issues in World Economics. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press(CHINA). 2007. (《信任和经济发展》)


2. Empirical Analysis of Time Preferences and Risk Aversion. Tilburg University (ISBN 90 5668 143 5), 2005.


3. Analysis of U.S. Economic Strength. Beijing: The Ethnic Publishing House. 1999. (《美国经济实力分析》)




In English

1. Bulte, E., Tu, Q., & List, J. (2015). Battle of the sexes: How sex ratios affect female bargaining power. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 64(1), pp.143-161.


2. Bluemling, B., Mol, A. P., & Tu, Q. (2013). The social organization of agricultural biogas production and use. Energy Policy, 63, pp.10-17.


3. Qu, W., Tu, Q., & Bluemling, B. (2013). Which factors are effective for farmers’ biogas use?–Evidence from a large-scale survey in China. Energy Policy, 63, pp.26-33.


4. Tu, Q., Mol, A. P., Zhang, L., & Ruben, R. (2011). How do trust and property security influence household contributions to public goods?: The case of the Sloping Land Conversion Program in China. China Economic Review, 22(4), pp.499-511.


5. Tu, Q., Bulte, E., & Tan, S. (2011). Religiosity and economic performance: Micro-econometric evidence from Tibetan area. China economic review, 22(1), pp.55-63.


6. Tu, Q., & Bulte, E. (2010). Trust, market participation and economic outcomes: Evidence from rural China. World Development, 38(8), pp.1179-1190.


7. Zhang, L., Tu, Q., & Mol, A. P. (2008). Payment for environmental services: The Sloping Land Conversion Program in Ningxia Autonomous Region of China. China & World Economy, 16(2), pp.66-81.


8. Tu, Q., Tan, S., Heerink, N., & Qu, F. (2008). Effects of culture on economic performance and grassland degradation: The case of Tibetans and Mongolians in the Qinghai Lake area. China Perspectives, 2008(2008/2), pp.37-45.


9. Tu, Q., & Chen, X. (1998). Assessment of position of China’s overall national strength. China & World Economy, 1998(02), pp.26-32.


In Chinese

1. Zhou, Y., Tu, Q., & Hu, B. (2014). Social Capital, Institutional Environment and Conditional Cooperation: An Experimental Study of VCM of Public Goods Based on “Core-Shell” Framework. Economic Research Journal, 2014 (10), pp. 125-138. (《惩罚、社会资本与条件合作——基于传统实验和人为田野实验的对比研究》)


2.Wang, D., & Tu, Q. (2013). An Empirical Study on the Leapfrogging Development of Tibetan Areas in Yunnan Province. Ethno-National Studies, 2013(6), pp.39-49. (《云南藏区跨越式发展的实证研究》)


3. Qu, W., Tu, Q., & Hu, M. (2012). Equal Participation in Education and Construction of Human Capital of Rural Adolescent Girls.Gansu Social Sciences, 2012(5), pp.69-72. (《平等参与教育与农村大龄女童人力资本构建》)


4. Qu, W., Tu, Q., Niu, S., & Hu, M. (2012). Test of Poverty Effects in Geography and Environment - An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Geographical Conditions on Rural Poverty. Chinese Rural Economy, 2012(2), pp.21-34. (《自然地理环境的贫困效应检验——自然地理条件对农村贫困影响的实证分析》)


5. Zhen, H., Zhang, L., & Tu, Q. (2010). Analysis of the People’s Willingness to Pay for Environmental Services Compensation and Its Influence Factors in the Jinhua River Basin. Resources Science, 32(4), pp.761-767. (《金华江流域生态服务补偿支付意愿及其影响因素分析》)


6. Tan, S., Wang, J., Tu, Q., & Qu, F. (2008). Determinants of Sustainable Common Pool Resource Use at Micro Level. Journal of Natural Resources, 23(2), pp. 194-203. (《公共资源可持续利用的微观影响因素分析》)


7. Wang, L., & Tu, Q. An Analysis on the Conditions of FDI Productivity Spillovers in Chinese Manufacturing Sector. (2008). China Economic (Quarterly), 7(1), pp. 171-183. (《中国制造业外资生产率溢出的条件性研究》)

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